Displaying items by tag: Pettaugh
Petta Fiesta 2015
PettaFiesta will be holding another weekend of music, film and fun for all ages on the weekend of 11th and 12th July. It's a ticket only event so visit the PettaFiesta website to book. Saturday night features a communal supper cooked on the campfire by us - the suffolkfoodie team - an outdoor screening of Carousel, a not-too-horror movie, a late night cheesy disco and karaoke - keeping you entertained well into the night. Bring a tent and wake up in the morning to the glorious dawn chorus and a Sunday spent strolling the pretty garden. The Little House of Cooking will be making brunch and afternoon tea for sale on Sunday.
Petta Fiesta - Hola!
Check out Gringo's Campfire Cafe menu at Petta Fiesta. Tickets still for sale!
Le Pop Up - Les Pictures
It was hardwork over that fire - one minute burning your eye lashes, next minute only just hot enough. But the Junior Johny Cakes' Caribbean experience came to the fore as they stoked it just right, and Inspector x's menu was the best some of the guests had ever tasted, expertly delivered by her hand-picked team of family waiters. And it was a perfect summer evening to be in the woods - so warm and still that even the candles stayed alight all night.
Le Pop-Up – a joint venture between Pettafiesta and Suffolk Foodie.
Last call for our joint venture with Pettafiesta. There is still time to book your space at Le Pop-up this weekend...
Make do and mend at Petta Fiesta
There will be home-made food a plenty as usual at next weekend's Petta Fiesta. If you haven't got tickets yet you can buy them online, because you won't get many on the gate this time. Head for the Make Do and Mend tent where you can taste everything carrot (just like we had in the war, says Granny) There will be carrot and lentil burgers, carrot cake baked on the spot and the usual Happy Hour but with Harvey Carrotbanger cocktails.